As we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday, I have spent many hours stopping to reflect on what I am “thankful” for. I found myself being thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, the health of my family, and the friends that I share my time with. Then, I found myself thinking of those things that went wrong this year. I realized that I am thankful for it all.
When I started blogging, my focus was starting over. I began a new job, became a single parent, and decided to try out the dating scene. I went into the year with a nervous but positive outlook. As I ventured through the year, I found myself battling many emotions. I found myself struggling to find “me”.
Last night, I went through and read all my blogs from previous months. I found myself smiling even when I read the more challenging or life changing blogs. I wrote of bad dates, lost friendships, and the challenges of raising children. I had tears as I was reminded of the devastation in China, the loss of a young girl named Caylee, and the execution of Bin Laden. It was a year of memories that are behind me but not forgotten.
Over the last few weeks, I have found myself looking forward to 2012 and hoping that it is a better year. However, as I read my past blogs; I realized that life is a continual flow of ups and downs. It is a journey that I have survived so far and reality is there are more journeys to come in the next year.
So in Keeping it REAL, I know that 2012 will be different but not perfect. I know that I will laugh, cry, get mad, gain friends, lose friends, and still survive. I know that everything happens for a reason and that it is all part of my journey in finding “me”. I know that there is one constant in life and that is “me” and my children. Although lessons learned during the year, one part remained strong…ME and my two little peeps…. My suggestion for today….Meet life head on…accept what you are given, reject what is not worth the effort, and never stop chasing butterflies… Happy Holidays!