Friday, February 25, 2011

2011 is the YEAR

First, I must admit I am a Facebook junky!!  I find it very interesting to read about my friend’s lives on Facebook.  Every day I go online to find out who is new to a relationship, who is struggling with day to day hardships, and who is clearly posting happy thoughts to hide some inner troubles.  I mean come on…Lets Keep it REAL.  No one has a perfect life consisting of a perfect spouse, a perfect house, perfect children, and an overall perfect story.  We all have ups and downs and we all yearn for improvement.  Right? 
For months, I posted notes reflecting my depression from going through a divorce and adapting to being a single mom.  I guess in all of it, I was looking for people with common problems or that can relate to the struggles that come with my decisions.  I am not sure it helped. I think it was more a mechanism of self venting, much like keeping a journal.  I found more gratification in being smacked around by my best friend and getting the “truth hurts” feedback then I did from my Facebook buddies.  Even though I came to an understanding that this was NOT the place to vent, I still found myself searching out others and wondering.  Has it been this rough for them?  Do they scream at their children when they lose it?  How do they handle their ex-husband?  I wonder if they are really happy.  I then decided it was time to get out the big girl panties and act like an adult.  I could turn this around and in return I may even be able to turn it around for others.  That ended the 2010 year and I decided 2011 IS going to be my year!
2011 came in strong as I started a new job, joined, quit smoking (again) and began going out once a week without the kids.  Now this was definitely a shock to the system.  Although many would say I am a very social person (no comments on this one). I still found myself wanting to stay in my comfort zone.  I was seriously starting over and it is terrifying to me!   If anyone knows my personality type, my biggest fear is not being accepted or being critiqued.  Yup, believe it or not..I know I am not perfect..Hence the Lets keep it REAL motto..
I also decided to blog my experiences in 2011, so everyone can laugh, cry, and relate to the many challenges of starting over.  And remember, after reading this; if I can do this anyone can!
So here’s to a successful or at least eventful 2011!

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