Public Restroom Phobia…
On Saturday, we decide to leave the condo around 8am to head back home from the beach. We began the journey and soon find by 9AM we are all fidgeting and ready to stop for some breakfast. We stop at a local “Cracker Barrel” (good eats) and were escorted to a nice quiet table.
Just as I am sitting down in my chair, my son says “I have to go the bathroom”. I get back up and move towards the front of the restaurant to assist in locating the men’s bathroom. In he goes while I wait patiently outside the door. As I wait, I envision the germy environment and his typical boy hygiene habits. I take deep breaths and only confirm upon his departure that “yes, he washed his hands”.
We made our way back to the table and finished a wonderful end of vacation breakfast. Breakfast consisted of eggs, bacon, grits, cheesy hash browns, and lots of juice/coffee. To be honest, it was way too much food but it was so good that I couldn’t let it go to waste (story I tell every time I overeat). Once we were done, I decided it would be best to take a small walk to get the food digested and the muscles flowing. As we are walking, my daughter says “I have to go to the bathroom…Number 2” UGH!
Now, let me first tell you according to the internet, there is an official name for the phobia of public restrooms. It is lutropublicaphobia. I am not sure if my fear is truly that of the restroom or the pure fear of the germs and complete filth associated with them. This moment was going to be a true test to my ability to deal with the complete “germ” package!
I take her hand and off we go into the secret and dreaded room called the “women’s restroom”. It was a complete mess... Here is what I saw (from a person suffering from lutropublicaphobia):
Trash cans overflowing with dampened papers towels
Fingerprints on the soap dispenser
Engravings on the door reminding me of “who was here before me”
Wet spots on the floor (I really wanna believe it was water)
A Door that would not lock to the bathroom stall
No seat covers for protecting from the missed shots by others before us
The smell…a combination of disinfectant, body odor, and just wetness
I wasn’t sure that I was going to survive and I am sure the look on my face made it difficult for my daughter to concentrate on the task at hand. However, we got through the ordeal and washed from elbow to finger tip and then evacuated as quickly as we arrived.
No, my lesson today is not “I can do it” or “I have survived the bathroom drama”. My lesson is on being prepared. If you truly hate using public restrooms, you can prevent it and/or make it at least more “clean” and “comfortable”. My future plan is already under way.

So in Keeping it REAL, 
I will always take an empty coffee container with me (the new plastic kind). It works great for little people in need of a quick #1. As for those moments that cannot be performed in my handy coffee container, I now carry Clorox wipes with me and flushable seat protectors. You may think I am crazy, but try it! Clorox kills almost anything and the confidence in knowing the only hands that touched the seat cover were mine…EVEN BETTER. Happy Tuesday!
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