This has been a wet, gloomy, and cold week. I don’t think I can ever remember it raining this much. We have actually experienced flooding and pure “moods” in our home due to the weather. I definitely can say that I am a summer person. I love being outside and anytime it rains like this, I find it challenging to figure out the next step or activity of the day. I am just hoping that tomorrow is a good day because we are focused on finally having a yard sale to complete our clutter free project. I also have a goal of being able to house the riding lawn mower in the garage (if you saw my garage..you would understand this is a true undertaking).
One of the most difficult tasks for my children (or at least my daughter) is letting go of toys. Many of the toys that clutter her room are not used or are completely outdated for her age. I so dreaded the confrontation and had decided that toys would just “disappear” when she wasn’t home. After a few days of trying to figure out the approach, my sister came to visit. As many know, I am all about a challenge. My sister bet me that she could get my daughter to give up some toys and still manage to organize her room. A monetary bet was on the table and as I walked away I was thinking I had this one in the bag. Then it happened…
My daughter agreed to clean and remove toys from her room. Before I knew what was happening, my sister and daughter had filled 7 bags of toys to be sold at the yard sale. I couldn’t believe it! After another two hours of organizing, my daughter coaxed me up to her room to show me the final product. I was so proud of her and at the same time…sad that I had to fork out ten dollars to my sister. I still haven’t paid my sister yet. I am not convinced that she will fully depart with the bags of toys. The true test will be having sold them at the yard sale.
So my challenge for the week? Time to depart with “old memories”, “old clothes”, “old toys”, and pure clutter. Although I dread the act of a yard sale, the outcome will be pure satisfaction in knowing that my “history” will find its way to someone else’s “future”. I hope to make the ten dollars to pay my sister and I hope the kids will find joy in earning money from selling their unused toys. As for my suggestion for the day..In KEEPING IT REAL….remember toys have feelings too. Don’t throw them away. Give them a second life with another child who isn’t fortunate enough to have weekly visits to Target, Walmart, or the local dollar store. Step back at your next yard sale and watch as people find value in what you consider “old”, “unused”, or even “junk”. Teach your children that there are benefits to “letting go” and in the end..everyone will find that peace of mind in knowing…I may not have needed that…but she/he did!
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