Friday, September 2, 2011

Eyes Wide Open..

So after 8 days of school, we have now officially felt the wrath of school “germs”.  Yup, my little girl has strep throat.  We have 2 days to recover before we are off to celebrate a birthday and the holiday with friends.   This weekend couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.  I am sure we can all relate to having “down” moments and this week was full of them.  It has been a true reality check week and I am more than ready for the weekend adventures.

At this point, I am thinking that the earthquake may have “shook up” some things in my life and I am now feeling the settling of the “aftershock”.  Through it all, there has been pressure at work and in my personal life but one thing stayed consistent and that is “my friends”.  I know in past blogs, I have talked about the support, guidance, and push that I receive from my friends.  This week held true to that form in so many ways. 

I found myself on the phone with my friends each day.  I found myself saying “I can’t”, “I won’t”, “I am tired”, and “I give up”.   Both of them had a strong opinion and gave suggestions and help, but what I took away from these conversations is so much greater than the words they shared.  I took away with me thoughts. The thoughts that I am so blessed to have such great friends, who will stop what they are doing to just “talk”.  The thought that no matter how hard I struggle….they will never give up on me.  

In one discussion with my bestie, she had to pull over from tears that overcame her as she talked of her wish for me.  She knew I was being resistant and shutting down.  Then she said it..she said  “take the chance” and I promise if you fall I will be there to help pick up the pieces and put you back together.  I was speechless.

Well, I did take a “chance” this week and the pieces did “fall”.  I started to doubt my decision to take the initiative. I started doubting my decision to follow her guidance.  I was falling apart and as promised..she was there.  She did her pep talks of moving forward.  She did her “what is next story line”.  She ended with a confidence building statement that left me feeling blessed to have such good friends.

So this weekend, I am off to spend time with the people that I love. I am off to talk, play, laugh, eat, and put back the pieces that fell apart this week.  I may arrive with my emotions and sadness from the week, but I will leave with the feeling that all is good when you spend time with those that you love.  I will leave my “safe place” having put the week behind me.

So in Keeping it REAL, it is OK to fall apart.  After all true success comes from taking a chance, falling apart, and then selectively choosing the pieces worth putting back into your overall picture of life.  I feel good about the outcome.  I feel good in knowing that with help, I can rebuild the “me” and in time..the pieces that I keep will forever build into a foundation worth fighting for.  After all, as bestie reminds me…this is a fight not just for is a fight for “us”. A fight much greater than whether I can get a project done or if someone feels the same way as me.  It is a fight for “my voice”.  It is a fight to be heard and the ability to accept and hear the answers. A fight worth fighting and worth facing for my two favorite success children.  As to my readers, take time to be a "friend".  Don't give up when things get hard or the answer is not what you think they want to hear.  Be honest and answer honestly when someone struggles for the words to speak.  Find your "voice" and in doing so..they will find theirs......Looking forward to a great weekend with the amazing friends that are now permanently embedded in my puzzle of life!

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