Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day....

We are off and running with play dates, cookouts, and social time with family and friends.  I always find it funny when I have no plans as of Wednesday but by Thursday the calendar is booked!  It definitely feels everyone has put away the travel book and decided to sit tight at home for this one. 

When my daughter came home from school today, she was full of bubbles and happiness because she has “three days off”.  We all jumped around the house and talked of the crazy schedule we were about to succumb too.  She talked of cookouts, fireworks, play dates, and sleepovers.  Not once, did she talk of the true meaning/purpose of “Memorial Day”.

As we finished the wrap up of plans, I decided to ask her if she knew what we were celebrating.  I was a little surprised that they have not discussed it in school, but I also take blame for my failed communication in regards to the up and coming festivities… 

This is when I decided to tell her all about Memorial Day.  I explained about “veterans”, “war”, and “recognition”.  She looked at me puzzled and said “mommy does that mean that when the war is over, we will stop this celebration?”  I, of course; told her that we will always have the holiday to remember those that gave their lives, those that were hurt, and those that survived.   She then told me that we should have something better to eat.  That they were worth much more than a yucky old hot dog (that’s my girl)

So this Memorial Day celebration is going to consist of steak versus the standard hot dog and hamburger.  We will also celebrate with a moment of reflection and one last prayer/hope for peace and an end to this un-ending war against terrorism.

So in Keeping it REAL, don’t forget to teach the “TRUE” meaning behind memorial day.  There is so much more to it than just “the day the pool opens” Take a moment and reflect on why we celebrate and please don’t forget to spread the word to the children in your lives.  As you are cooking hot dogs, hamburgers, or downing your favorite drink of “something”, stop and:

Remember all that we lost
Remember all that are permanently injured
Remember all the children who lost a parent to war
Remember all the wives that buried their husbands
Remember all that are still out there fighting for peace
Remember that our soldiers are not celebrating… 

I hope everyone has a safe and thought provoking Memorial Day Holiday…

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