Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Project..Mission Accomplished

So this weekend, we set off to complete a 4th grade project with my son.  It is important to note that this project task began at 10:00AM on Saturday.  The goal was to build the state of Virginia showing terrain elevations, surrounding states and waterways from CLAY!  I dreaded the entire experience because I have zero creativity when it comes to art.
We headed to the local craft store and bought the necessary clay and we were off and running home to start the project that will mark the beginnings of a nightmare of home project assignments.  Luckily, a friend of mine came over so her daughter could have a play date with mine (child distraction so mom and son could focus).  So all was on the table, the outline of the state had been created to include waterways…then it happened…complete mental block!
How in the world can you show the regions with terrain elevations from clay?  I felt my anxiety kicking in and between the two of us (with very little feedback from my son); we could not figure this one out.  I started pacing the floor while my friend texted her husband to volunteer his services on Sunday.  I just couldn’t do it.  It was too much and to boot, it is geography (my weakest subject).
By the time we had recruited her husband, bestie was ringing in on my phone. I answered and began to spill the project drama.  She said “wait, someone just did one of those and I know what it is supposed to look like”.  I quickly recruited her to come to my house (a little sweet tea bribery involved). 
So now, you remember what time I started this from above.  Right?  It is now 6:00PM and we have an assembly line going on.  One person is painting the bordering states on the bottom of a box.  One person is building the elevations.  One person is building the “key”. One person is sitting and watching it all unfold (let us just say it was not me). 
By 7:30PM, the paint was drying, the clay was intact, and we were all settled down on my porch reflecting on a job well done.  My only problem, I feel strongly that no 4th grader could have tackled this project alone.  It took 3 woman (no jokes please) to put this together.  I honestly don’t remember having these types of projects until I was in Middle School.  Was the purpose of this activity to force bonding time between children and parents?  Was this a test of our knowledge of what our children are learning or was it merely another reminder that we were shorted geography in grade school?
Either way, In Keeping it REAL…. We have successfully tackled our first major project.  What have we learned from this experience?  I think my son has learned that there are benefits to “teamwork” and that too many women in one house is not safe. What have I learned?  I will not wait until the last minute to work on a school project…  But the most important lesson learned by all of us “our team is untouchable”.  Thanks to my friends..…  I appreciate your support and talents and I hope “we” get an A….

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