I was reading updates on “Father’s Day” and requests to post a picture of your father as your profile picture. I quickly pulled the art sketch of my “dad” and was off and posting. I then started reading status updates about all the “loser” dads and “non-providers”. I know most were jokes, but I couldn’t help but stop and think about my “dad”. I emphasize the “dad” because I have had that rare, at the time; life experience. You see back in my day, people didn’t get divorced. If they did, the entire town knew the entire situation.
Well, I am a product of a “divorce”. I am also a product of a “miracle”. When I was four, my mother met a wonderful man. He instantly fell in love will all of us. That is such a rare find and I honestly feel that I was blessed with a “miracle”. I never in any moment felt as though I was not his child.
In college, our relationship grew stronger and he continued to encourage me as I struggled with meeting people, getting the grade, and finding my career. He never gave up and neither did I. When I had to take a public speaking class, I was a nervous wreck. As some may know, I HATE to do public speaking, I instantly clam up and would probably rather endure a bed of needles. But once again, he encouraged me to keep going and move forward. During my class, I had to do a presentation on someone that made a difference in my life. I remember that day so well. I instantly grabbed pen and paper and began writing about “my dad”.
I wrote of the difference between a “dad” and a “father”. I remember tearing up during my speech at the end..because my ending was “I am very special. Most children are born with their parents. Their parents have no choice. They accept and they are family. However, my dad is special because he chose me. He was not forced by birth, he was not forced by blood, he was forced by LOVE.”
To this day, I wish I had kept that speech. I never would have thought that exactly 1.3 years from that presentation, I would be holding his hand and telling him “it is ok to let go”. I never thought for once that my life with him would be cut short. My dad died from a brain tumor at the age of 47. I remember our last conversation and even in that moment, he was unselfish. He looked at me with tears and said “I am worried about you all. I don’t want any of you to be alone”.
It has now been approximately 13 years, and I still find myself on my knees begging him to come back and give me the strength. I find myself begging him for the answers. Although the requests result in silence, I feel in my heart that he has already given me the answer. He was providing those answers over the 25 years we had together.
After all, anyone can be a “father” but it takes a very special person to be a “dad. And in Keeping it REAL, if you still have your “dad”; take a moment to ponder on what he did for you. Take a moment to think of the sacrifices, the strength, and the courage that he provided you over the years. Then, pick up the phone and call him. You never know when you may be holding his hand and saying “goodbye” for the last time.
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