Friday, June 10, 2011

Where it ALL BEGAN.....

Last night was “reunion” night with my former co-workers (the job I left in December).  I haven’t seen many of them in awhile and it was great to catch up and hear all about their new ventures.   It was a hot night but it didn’t stop us from sitting outside and enjoying the company of those that we spent many hours with trying to succeed.

I sat last night and pondered on the drive that we all once had to make it “big”.  We were all focused on one thing and that was making our mark and making our money.  Unfortunately, our dream was bigger than our success.  We went through so much together both personally and professionally and the bond that we experienced may never happen again.

I reflected back on those days both good and bad.  It seemed like a difficult time in my life.  I lost my grandmother, my sister got divorced, and then my marriage ended.  I shed a great deal of tears in that office and definitely found the strength to move on through the support that I received from everyone there.  It was truly a “rare” and one time experience.  It was an extension of “family”. 

We all found ourselves talking of the long nights of struggling to get the service working, trying to get people to pay their bill, and the “layoffs”..UGH!  We also talked of the parties and fun happy hours that brought relief to the crazy days.    They truly are the days to remember and where it all began…
I can say that although I love the bond that we shared, I did learn one thing.  I was so passionate at the time to “make my mark” and “succeed”, that I lost site of the fact that it was business.  I was emotionally attached to the job and the people.  When things went wrong (layoffs, demotions), I was personally angry.  I was personally torn up.   After the experience, I vowed to never put that much “personal” into “business”.   On the professional side, I wish that it could have been different, but on the personal side..I wouldn’t change a thing!

So to all my “extended family".. I will never forget or let go of the good times.  I will never forget or let go of the support that I received.  I will never forget why I made the “choices” that I made.  I will only remember the “good” and I have learned from the “bad”. 

So in Keeping it REAL, as a wise “family” member said…. LIVE FOR TODAY!  That wise “family” member was not there, but he was there when I needed him the most.  I remember the conversation on the day that my separation became legal.  We all stayed up until the 12AM mark (my legal separation on August 1, 2009).  It was the time that would change my life’s path forever.  I remember looking forward and knowing that I was doing the right thing.  I remember feeling strong because I had my “work family” to support me.  I remember hearing those words and I have struggled to live by them for the last year. 

Odesa Fire BowlFriends to the End: The True Value of FriendshipI truly miss the “team” and hope that someday…out paths may cross again!   Happy Friday!

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