Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another pet in the family brings my first polite rejection…

As many may already know, my daughter loves animals.  She could never have enough and would have a house of creatures (if allowed).  During my in-house separation (which I would never recommend), I felt vulnerable and went crazy buying her the animal of the week.  We now have 2 turtles, 1 frog, 1 guinea pig, 2 cats, and 2 fish. If you think that is crazy, we have already buried 3 hamsters and 3 fish. I am thinking that fish and hamsters are not good pets for our house.  I think since the divorce, I have settled down and find it a little easier to say “no” to another creature.  After all, I am the one feeding and cleaning up after them. 
My daughter’s birthday is this week..and guess what…she wants another animal.  This time, it is a lizard. I am somewhat relieved that she is not begging for a dog.  We really don’t have the time to maintain a puppy with my busy work schedule.  So I started doing my research and found a perfect lizard.  It is called a “leopard gecko”.  I went to the pet store last night to check it out.  As I am looking at the little guys, I think to myself “am I crazy”.  As it is, I was in the pet store to buy a bigger tank for our turtles since they grew like crazy over the last year. Now, here I am thinking about buying another creature.  Just at the moment that I was saying this out loud (Yup, single people talk to themselves in the store), my focus changed.
One of the store employees walks up and notices my super large aquarium, rocks, plants and the conversation begins:
            Employee:  What new pet are you buying today?
            Me:  Oh no, I am just upgrading my tank for my turtles
Employee: I love turtles! I guess your husband has a great deal of work cut out for him setting that up
I then pause for a brief moment and wonder…could this really be happening again?  I look down and think, is it the skirt?
Me: Nope, I am hooking this one up on my own
Employee: Well, if you need help…
At this point, I am just going to cut him off
Me: Well, I might have to get my boyfriend to help move the turtles
            Employee:  Oh, OK
            Me:  Thank you for offering
I did IT!!!  I lied to save someone’s feelings and made the rejection easier on me.  I am not saying it felt great but it definitely felt more comfortable then having to continue the conversation. 
As I drove home, I pondered on what just happened and why.  I am not sure what is going on in the world, but I definitely feel as though people are getting desperate to meet others.   I have worked in retail and I don’t think I would have ever approached a person to find out if they were available. Then again, men are different and seem to hold no “guidelines” when it comes to meeting someone of interest.  I also keep checking my shirt wondering if someone has tagged me as “readily available”. I have been single before marriage and never experienced this. Is it the age?  Is it the economy?  Do I look like a “sugar mama”?  It couldn’t be that I have improved with age!  I know for a fact that wrinkles and dark circles are not becoming on anyone. 
I guess I will just have to accept that it is a change in the dating game.  People are more aggressive and outgoing in their search for that someone special.  I on the other hand, still feel a little old school when it comes to dating.  It seems so much more natural to go to a bar, drink “something”, meet “someone”, and if it leads to an adventure..GREAT!  Well, now that I typed that I am wondering if it is me that is a little “off”.  Meeting someone in a pet store sounds like a better story.  Oh Well! 
So in Keeping it Real.. Have fun and enjoy the attention. Maybe one day, that guy that walks up to talk to you might be someone of interest.  It doesn’t have to be “Mr. Right”.  Why not just enjoy “Mr. Right Now” (bestie quote of the week).  After all, you can’t meet your “Mr. Right” without first experiencing “Mr. No Way”, “Mr. Get a Life”, “Mr. Too Sensitive” and “Mr. Don’t Call Me”.  Once you have experienced all those, you will truly appreciate all that a relationship has to offer…  As for me, I will continue to enjoy the many hilarious and/or thought provoking experiences of 2011!    

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