Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sometime old habits are hard to break….

In the last few days, I have encountered many conversations with my mother about dating and my social activities.  I have found myself back in that 16year old mindset of not being exactly honest.  Now, let me say that I am in no way lying.  I just don’t divulge the entire story.  In our last conversation on the topic, I struggled with the correct answer.  She was very aware that I was doing the dating thing (if you call it dating), but I had not officially notified her of the times that I was going to meet someone or phone chatting.  She had a valid concern that someone needs to know where I am at all times.  You never know when I might pick a crazy guy to meet up with.  I did reassure her that my “bestie” always knows where I am and when I leave.  So I think that gave her a little reassurance.  So this week, I reached out to my FB family and asked the big question… “I am an adult, but I am still hiding_____ from my parent(s).”  I had many come in as private notes since their parent was a friend on their FB site.  I never really thought about that one!  OOOPs!
So once again, I will share with you some of the answers 
 “I have a tattoo”
“I have a piercing” (didn’t dare ask for details of where)
“I am in a same sex relationship” (wonder how Christmas will go this year)
“I went to jail in college for indecent exposure” (Don’t blame you)
“Nothing, they wish I would hide stuff from them” (Bestie, of course!)
Now the last answer I received needed to be put in a league of its own.   I even had a moment of “Oh gosh, what question is he referring to”.   His answer “Blow up dolls, don’t like to share”.  That’s right, always the comic to skew the statistics.  So I can only assume by that response, that he doesn’t withhold much!
As for me, I am still struggling with full disclosure.   I feel that regardless of my age, she is still my mother and I am sure she doesn’t want to hear it all.  So in Keeping it REAL, the majority of us keep secrets from our parents, after all; deep down we still want to be mommies little girl/boy.  Just remember to always have one person that knows where you are at ALL times or travel in numbers.  It is better to be safe then regret being secretive.  Hope everyone is having a Happy Hump Day (Mom- that means Wednesday!)

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