Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Routine...is it Good??

I have been doing some reading lately on routine and how it impacts your daily life. I am sure we all agree that the movie “Ground Hogs Day” can be a prime example of how many of us feel Monday through Friday.  I get up every morning and have the same routine and if I deviate from that routine, it all falls apart.  Now many would agree, but I often wonder why it is so important. I find myself even stressing out if I put my lipstick on before my eyeliner.  I look in the mirror and say to myself “really, is it that big of a deal?”  Apparently, it is.  I soon find myself fumbling through the process and confusion sets in on “what to do next”.    This of course, brings me to my question of the day “What is the first thing you do when you get up and the last thing you do when you go to sleep?”
I soon realized; by reading the answers, that many acknowledged the most significant acts done before going to sleep.   They didn’t even stop to think about the small details that happen as you fall asleep.  Some of the answers received were: 
                “Go to the bathroom”
” The first thing I do is go to the bathroom, then feed the cat. The rest of the day every time I go, the cat thinks I'm gonna feed her again!! The last thing I do is go, feed the cat a snack and watch her eat, then go to bed. I think she has me trained!! LOL
“My Wedding Ring”
These all stand out as actions before going to bed.  As we know, my bestie has severe OCD (which goes well with my chaotic lifestyle) and her response completely exhausted me.  If I had her laundry list of activities to do before bed….   I think I would avoid bedtime all together.  So I must also share her response: 
“i have a laundry list of "have to do's" before I go to bed. brush teeth, wash face, wash hands, pee, put the dogs to bed, blow my nose, lotion on my hands, legs and feet, make the bed so the sheets are straight, stack pillows, get under sheets, poke feet out the bottom of bed, line up the four remotes, turn on fan, turn off light, turn on tv, surf until i find something that i can fall asleep to. not just anything will do, this can take up to an hour to do....EVERY NIGHT. Its hard to be OCD :/ i do that exact list in that order every single night of my life. Esh. I'm tired. Off to start the process.
This brings me to my point (yes, I have a point).  We find ourselves more driven each day to a routine.  I find that it comes with responsibilities and children.  However, routine can become a dangerous “habit”.  Why?  It is not challenging you on a daily basis to step out of the small area of the brain that you use to perform “routine” activities.  There is some evidence that routine behaviors can result in or encourage the onset of Alzheimer’s.  Find a reason on a daily basis to step out of your routine zone.  Find a moment to make yourself think.  I mean really, there is a reason why I stress when my makeup routine is off.  It is because I suddenly have to stop…think..and set a new plan.  The littlest changes can charge your brain and get you ready for any new challenge that comes your way!
Oh yeah, and my response…  I kiss my babies goodnight, set my alarm, and think about what question I will post on Facebook tomorrow…… I am sure now that I said that, you ALL realize that a thought crosses your mind before you go to sleep each night.  It is not truly an “activity” that is performed at the moment you get up or go to sleep but more a thought.  Contrary to my deviant friend “I scratch my butt”, response. I am sure his first thought really was that he had an itch.   I am just Keeping it REAL!  Whether the thought is “wonder what is for breakfast” or just “I hope I can fall asleep tonight”…  It is a thought that drives you awake or sends you to sleep…..

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