Friday, March 25, 2011

School field trips can be entertaining….

I decided at the last minute to take the day off yesterday and attend my son’s field trip.  I usually dread the bus ride (2hrs) since we all know that kids cannot stay seated or quiet for any length of time.  With the exception of the cold weather, the trip was a lot of fun and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. 
My son can be somewhat distracted and easily fascinated with not listening, but as I journeyed on this trip, I realized that he is pretty mellow.   I have a new appreciation for teachers, as I struggled to maintain 4 boys and not lose anyone in the process.  It was like constantly counting your chickens expecting to find that one had wondered off.
As I sat last night thinking about the day, I found myself laughing out loud at some of the things that the children said.  Let me first say that times have definitely changed!  I would have never said some of the things that these children say.  Not that it was bad, it was just more “open” then I remember.  So, for my blog today, I have decided to share some of the humor.  First let me say, even in third grade they still seem to be fascinated with bodily functions. I often wonder when that will slow down (might be never for boys).  So here we go…  The top 10 funny things that were said on the field trip:
10- I will eat anything.  Drop your sandwich on the ground.  I will pick it up and eat it dirt and all
9- Girls are everywhere.  When I grow up, I plan to introduce myself to all of them
8- I bet I can lick this quarter and make it stick to someone’s face
7- My mother said that I have to be good today, but if you don’t tell..I won’t
6- My favorite part of the trip was the dung depository.  How great is it that you can collect all your dung in one place
5- If you buy me a bag of candy, I promise that I won’t set any alarms off
4- Don’t tell, but I can spell dirty words
3- You are my other mom.  The mom that doesn’t react when I do something bad.  Can I move in with you?
2- I have to go to the bathroom. I will be at least 15 minutes, because it is a number 2 and I have to think about it for awhile
Now the best one needs to stand out on its own.  And of course, it came from my son.  As we stood in line waiting for our tour, the crowd became a little packed in.  My son looked at me and said “Mom, I am constipated”. I looked at him in surprise and wondered why in the world he would tell me that while we are standing here.  He then proceeds to explain. “Ya know, I feel like my space is limited and I can’t get my breath.”  It then hit me and I broke into laughter.  I said “You mean claustrophobic”. He looked with surprise and said “oh?  So what is constipated”? All the boys stop and looked at me anticipating my answer. I realized that none of them knew what it meant to be constipated.  So, I explained and at that moment, I realized that this was another “bodily function” fun word for them.  I then found myself surrounded by four boys that all felt the need to inquire as to when, where, and how something may have been constipated. So again, I wonder if boys/men ever really grow out of the pleasure they find in discussing their bodily functions.  
All in all, the boys were wonderful and I enjoyed every minute of watching them interact.  I can’t wait until the next trip because I can only imagine how the comments will become more enhanced as they mature.  So in Keeping it REAL, take the time to participate in your child’s field trip(s).  It will not only teach you more about who they are, it will give you something to chuckle about and share with others when you get home.  Happy Birthday to my little girl who just turned 6…Happy Friday!

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