Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lesson learned..It is OK to LIE…

After 10 years of marriage and 14 years with the same person, I guess I forgot what it is like to be “noticed”.  Not sure if this was a good notice or an OH NO notice, but I thought I would share.  Yesterday was a big day at work filled with one LONG meeting, so I dressed for the occasion (actually, I wore a skirt just so my colleagues would make fun).  But in the short of it, I rarely wear a skirt and on this particular day I revealed that…Yes, I do have legs.  After work, I needed to get my sons medication so I headed out a little early. On my way, I realized that I was low on gas.  So, I went into the local gas station to fill up.  Now, we all know that I have a constant yearn for the smokes and on this day..yeah shoot me…I decided to buy a pack.  I walk into the convenience store and here is how it all unfolded:
Me: “I would like a pack of blah blah blah”
Cashier:  “Do you have an ID”
Me: “Are you kidding me?  I am almost 40 years old.   There is no way I could be less than 18”
Cashier: “No way, you almost 40.  You married?”
Me: “Divorced” (this is where I should have gotten a clue right?)
Cashier: “Pretty face..  Can I see you again?”
Me: “Um, sure I come in here all the time” (now one would think I would really get a clue right)
Cashier: “No, I want to see you.  I work somewhere else and not be here again”
Me: “What?  Um, sure” (feeling a little unsure at this point but still shooting out the honesty)
Cashier:  “I give you my phone number and you call me?”
Me: “Um, Sure” (now I am really up against the wall and feeling the Oh Shit coming on)
Cashier: “When you call me?”
Me: “Um…Monday” (really feeling the Oh Shit as everyone in line behind me is in shock)
Cashier: “You pretty face and I can’t wait to see you again.  Can I have your number?”
Me: “Um…OK and gave” (now I am like calling myself every name in the book because I cannot figure out how to get out of this)

Now begins the true torture.  I immediately get on the phone with my bestie and say “Oh Crap”.  Once she was done with the complete laughter, she said “It is ok to lie in some situations”.  So here I stand corrected, honesty is a good thing but I gotta kick the naïve part and either a) LIE or b) say not interested.  Right?  I sat last night and pondered on the experience and weeded through all the humorous comments made by my friends and family.  I thought I would share some of the torture with you:
·         Best Friend:  “I am at 7-11.  You want me to get you a phone number”
·         Friend 1:  “He is now searching the secret files and will have complete control of where you are at any point during the day. I bet you even gave your real name didn’t you?”
·         Friend 2: “You are free now and I am sure the freedom shows on your face.  That is why you now have to realize that you might get some interest…sheesh girl!”
·         Mother:  “Why couldn’t you have just answered yes I am married.  Look at the person and know where it is leading and answer yes”
So as I continue to reflect on the situation, I realize that I am a little “rusty” in the area of polite rejection.  I now have a plan!  I will always assume the question is leading to an uncomfortable situation.  I will be prepared with the following: 
2.       I will only give out my Google Voicemail
3.       I will avoid all Gas Station convenient stores
4.       I will not buy anymore smokes (they appear to be not only dangerous to your health but can lead to uncomfortable situations)
5.       I will LIE when necessary!
I am hoping that I am not the last naïve 38 year old out there!  I hope that others may say “OMG I have so had that happen to me”.  However, the chances are slim that anyone else would have fallen into this mess!  So in Keeping it REAL, you are never too old to be hit on in a Gas Station and it is OK to lie to move the line along faster. This will also prevent the request for a phone number!  Happy St. Patrick’s Day… 

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