Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are we destined to make the same mistakes over and over?

As I sat listening to my little ones coughing and hacking up lungs last night, I pondered on if it is possible to go through life learning the first time or do we continue to find ourselves making the same mistakes over and over again. After all, I grew up hearing that history repeats itself and if that is correct then it takes personal activities to drive the behavior.  Right?
All of this came as a revelation last night as I was pondering on what I have accomplished in 2011.  Yes, I started a new job.  Yes, I quit smoking (sort of).  Yes, I try to go out once a week…  Notice I didn’t even acknowledge the part.  It all begins with match and I hope it ends with me closing my account.
As we all know, I tended to date men that (how do I put this) had no money. I would pay for the dates, activities, and whatever was required to have fun.  I was a strong willed women who prided herself on being completely self sufficient and my slogin “I don’t need a man” rang loud and clear.  After my marriage was over, I decided that I would not be taking that path in the future.  If and when I decided to date again, I would go old school.  “If you can’t buy then why should I try?”  I was off and running….
Here I am today, March 9, 2011, and I have completely allowed history to repeat itself!  I have found myself hanging out with someone who has no problem saying “Come on over and bring some XYZ with you when you come”.  I mean really?  Is this what I wanted?  Yet, the more I say “no this is not what I want”, the more I find myself texting to see what the plan is.   I find myself; once again, attracted to what I can’t have versus finding what I want.  So today is the day that I ask myself, “Do I want to see history repeat itself?” It might be time for a “check yourself” moment… and the answer is “NO, it is not what I want”.  It is time to stop the texting and move on to the next opportunity.   And please remember:  “If they don’t pay, you shouldn’t play” 
I am just “Keeping it REAL”! 
Happy Hump Day

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