Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Pop Pop Snappers (Box of 50 Mini Boxes)This weekend was an “off and running” kind of weekend.  The kids enjoyed lots of activities and I am totally exhausted.  Just to give you an idea of the “single mom” activities, I thought I would first share our weekend time line:
10AM – 12N: Conference call for work
12N-3PM: Visit with their father
3PM: Sleep over
9AM-11AM: Clean House/Laundry
11AM-12N: Pick up kids from sleep over
2PM-3PM: Return feline friend from week of dog sitting
4PM-7PM: Friends over for food, swimming, and pool time
7PM-8PM: Fireworks (this was all me)
8PM-10PM: Still playtime with friends
10AM-11AM: Visit with their father
11AM-12AM: Shopping for a gift/groceries
12:30-1PM: Pit stop at house to wrap gift and put away groceries
2PM-4PM: Birthday party and hair cut
5PM-6PM: Pit stop at house
6PM-8PM: Movie Theater for Cars 2 and Ice Cream at Maggie Moo’s
8PM-11PM:  Friends and play time
This exhausting but fun list of activities finally landed us on Monday the 4th of July.  We spent the majority of the day swimming in the pool and relaxing.  It was a well needed rest for all three of us!  As I floated on the “lazy river” (developed by my daughter as she made laps around the pool), we began to giggle and chat about the people that we spent time with.  It was a great weekend from lighting fireworks to organizing friend and family time…  I saw the excitement on her face as she talked of the birthday party and her brother’s new haircut.  Her eyes got bigger as we laughed about the dud firecracker and how I tried to light three at one time.  She just kept talking and talking about the weekend and I loved every minute of the sound of her voice.   This is the moment that you realize…it is WORTH IT!
So in Keeping it REAL, I am officially “Independent” and feel good about the life that we have built in the last year.  Today’s celebration was about more than just the country’s independence, it was about the independence of a “single” mom.  It is about the “freedom” to go to the movies or light a firecracker.  It is about the “freedom” to be ME!  Happy 4th to all Single Mothers…today should be your day to shout out….. I DID IT!  I am a successful “Independent”.

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