Thursday, April 14, 2011

Say what you feel and not what you should feel….

It has been crazy at work this week (once again) and I haven’t had time to write.  For all those following me, I am sorry.  This past weekend was a fun “adventure” and it continued on into this week.    I actually think there were a couple of nights that I was so exhausted that I had no thoughts except…”Please let my children go to bed early” and “oh my gosh..I hope my bestie isn’t too mad at me”. 
As for my personal life, I am still continuing down the path of meeting new people.  I find all of them fascinating and their life stories are always full of learning lessons for all.  I have now met the following:  Single dad with full custody, High School Teacher, Project Manager who flies a plan and rides a motorcycle, IT Support, and last but not least…the “electric man”.  The one thing that I have learned is that discussions about your ex or the drama associated with your past should be totally off limits!  I find myself sitting and the entire time thinking “wonder what he really did to cause all this”.  I constantly remind myself that there are two sides to every breakup.  Even with all the drama from my marriage, I did walk away owning “some” of the blame for the failure of the marriage.    As we all should learn more than just “I married the wrong person” when exiting a relationship or marriage.  We need to step back and determine what “I could do better the next go round”.  After all, this is how we grow and mature in life.
So here is my point…(you knew I had one right)..  During all of these “encounters”, I have found one commonality.   They say one thing but they really feel totally different.  I am not sure if it is that they don’t know what they want or it is merely that they are trying to “impress” or move the relationship to the next level.  I have always been very honest in the fact that I do not want a relationship and that I am dating others. I would expect the same from the other person; as well...  But men continue down the path of saying “what might get them a brownie point”.  Let the truth be told, I am totally in tune with all of this. I have always had besties that were men and I know what “playing the game” is all about.  After all, I sat back and watched most of it unfold in my younger days!  So my question to myself this week was “Why do men say they want a relationship, but are really just seeking fun”?  I pondered this for a few days and can only assume it is because they don’t want the “women” to seek out other opportunities (just in case they might want to get serious).    So in Keeping it REAL GUYS, be honest and put all your thoughts on the table.  Don’t say what you think is the right thing to say…say what you really “feel” or “want”.  Everyone has the right to a choice.  You can accept the other person and what they want/feel or you can move on to the next opportunity.  If one person is dishonest, the other loses their right to a “choice”. It is not fair to everyone involved and in the long run…you end up with one person being angry and resentful. That my friend is the learning lesson for men!  Now on to my lesson (girls!).. You have the right to a “choice”..continue throwing out the honesty in hopes that it will be returned.  I stand behind my decision to “not” have a relationship and I will continue to be honest about it!  If you want a relationship, let them know and expect an answer that may “hurt”.  You deserve the right to make a “choice” and if you don’t hear what you “want” MOVE ON to find that person that is true and provides the answers that you feel are genuine.  Reality for me…. I am not going to stop dating others.. It is w-a-y to much fun!  I am enjoying life living it honest and free day by day….  That is my “choice”..Now go sit and ponder on yours…  (oh yeah…and Bestie..YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks for Saturday night) Cheers to Thursday Night FUN

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