Monday, April 4, 2011

Who invented “pickup” lines anyway.. Do they really work?

Last week was a crazy week, but I survived!   One night last week, I was surfing the internet because I couldn’t sleep.  I came across a site with “pickup” lines.   As I read them, I found myself saying “who came up with this junk”.   Then I came across this one:  “Do you have a mirror in your pocket because I can sure see myself in your pants”.  I started laughing so hysterically, that I thought for sure I would wake up the kids.    At this point, I decided to seek out “pickup” lines from my friends.  I hit FB and even sent phone text messages to everyone seeking their thoughts.  My question to them “What is the most memorable pickup line you have had said to you or that you have said to someone”.  So as always, here is my list:

·         1 tequila…2 tequila
·         Yo…we can do this
·         Hey girl, are you a parking ticket? (No). Oh sorry, I was confused because you are just so FINE
·         ‎Do you want to get a pizza and a XXXX (this one was very straightforward)
·         I am not looking to spend just one night with you
·         If I told you that you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

So now, I get to the point right?  I went to work the next day on a rant about “pickup” lines and how unproductive they are.  I even went to the point of saying “who would ever fall for one of these”.  I then quickly got corrected by my cube mate.  He said “not all pickup lines are bad”.  Sometimes, it works.  As I was talking about that, I realized that with my quirky sense of humor, I just might fall for one.  Why you say?  Because they break the ice and make you laugh.  The chance that anyone is going to say “yes” immediately is slim, but the long term conversation could lead anywhere.  I also noted the last text that I received in regards to an attempt to pick up a friend at the mall.  She said she still reflects on that conversation.  She was dating someone at the time, so it never went anywhere, but it definitely stuck in her mind.  Here is her story:

I was shopping and had  a few shopping bags that I was carrying…Just minding my own business and I guess in a serious, not paying attention to anyone else sort of mode..A somewhat cute guy pointed behind me and said..Hey you dropped something! I turned around sort of confused because I didn’t see anything..He says :Oh there it is..Your Smile” which of course made me smile. Then he says oh and wait…Look…You also dropped this.. He pulls his business card out of his pocket and writes his # on it. Told me if I called him sometime.. He’d help me find more smiles.

So I guess, I stand corrected and “pickup” lines may be healthy.  So my next thought?  We should try it out!  My mission in the next 30 days is just that.  I am going to try them ALL out.  What do I have to lose?  I am not looking for a partner and I am not in a place where I care what people think…so I am all over this one.  I will have a friend with me (preferably male) just in case it gets serious or ugly.  After all, I have no plans to move forward with any of it!  So for all my followers, hit me up with a “pickup” line and I will blog the reaction upon using it.  My first one is going to be the one that made me laugh… I mean really?  I will either get the look of “what the heck” or I will end up meeting a new friend and building an interesting conversation.  Wish me luck and in Keeping it REAL…  Enjoy life and always take the time to meet new people, even if it all starts off with a ridiculous pickup line!  Happy Monday!!

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